How to Prepare a Garden Bed with a Tiller
on Friday, October 16, 2020
How To

How to Prepare a Garden Bed with a Tiller
For more than a few homeowners, the start of spring signals the start of gardening season, eager to soak up the smell of fresh earth as they till a large patch of soil that will eventually become their beautiful garden bed after preparations have been completed.
If you are a first-time gardener interested in learning how to prepare a garden of your own, we can help you get a better understanding of the process, specifically how to use a tiller to prepare the soil and set up your new garden for the best results.
Where to Plant a Garden Bed
The first step when planning a new garden bed is to check if there are buried utility lines on your property. Typically you can call 811 to learn the locations of these lines. The last thing you would want to do is start digging for your garden and cut into a utility line.
Once you have a clear picture of the underground utilities and any irrigation lines on your property, you may go about identifying your ideal placement for the garden, clearing away any existing vegetation from the spot and outlining the shape and size of the bed.
When to Till a Garden Bed
The ideal time of year to till a new garden is in the spring when the soil is dry and the weather is starting to warm up. It will likely depend on the climate of wherever you live, with some gardeners having to wait until May or even June to begin tilling their new garden bed.
It is critical that you avoid tilling your garden bed when the soil is wet. Tilling wet soil can damage the existing structure, which will be valuable as your garden grows. If it is difficult to insert a trowel into the soil and the soil feels dry to the touch, it is ready to be tilled.
How to Till a Garden Bed
Good soil preparation is essential to the health and success of a new garden. The first step is to remove any existing vegetation, rocks, sticks, or other debris. Then you will want to take a shovel or spade and turn over the bed, working the soil. The soil needs to be dry but not too dry, as that will make turning over the bed difficult and potentially damage the soil. Some gardeners will wait until a day or so after it rains to allow for a little moisture in the soil.
Set the tiller to the appropriate depth, generally six to eight inches. If the soil is tough, opt to start with a shallow setting. Conversely, if the soil is soft, start at a medium setting. Once you have started the tiller, make parallel passes across the garden at a slow pace, letting the tines go to work. You will do this until you have made one full pass of the garden bed, before switching to the deepest setting of your tiller and making passes perpendicular to your first set of passes.
You will then want to spread a layer of compost or organic matter over the bed, followed by another pass with the tiller to mix your amendments into the soil at a depth of about eight inches. Allow the organic material to enrich the soil for a minimum of a few days. Set the tiller to a medium depth and make another set of passes across the garden bed. Finally, make one last set of perpendicular passes with the tiller, perpendicular to your first set.
Be careful not to overwork the soil, and remember to regularly clean the tines during and after the process of tilling to clear away any entangled plant material.
Once you are finished, you will have built a foundation on which your plants can thrive.
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